Established in 1998, features 100% original creative fiction, pictures, poetry, pop - and never, ever reviews! It has won popular acclaim, most notably the Creative Review 'Best In Book' award for design, and was one of only five British magazines selected for the Jam Anglo-Japanese exhibition. It is widely regarded as the most exciting and influential creative, illustration, graffiti, and writing magazine to come out of the British urban underground, and is a primary resource for anyone seeing insights into popular culture.
Famous contributors to The Illustrated Ape include:
Jamie Reid - the design king of punk, Julie Verhoeven - described in Taschen's modern design bible, Illustration Now as one of the world's top designer/illustrators, Paul Davis - award winning illustrator, John Lennon (previously unpublished work), David Hockney (previously unpublished work), Michael English, Martin Sharp - sixties design icon, Felix Dennis - OZ and MAXIM magazine founder and poet, David Sims - fashion photographer, Ryuichi Sakamoto - composer and film-star, Junko Mizuno (HELL BABIES) - manga artist and author, Jason Atomic - illustrator, Honey Manko - alt-diva, Heather Jones - songwriter and HOLE founding member, James Berry - poet, Michael Horowitz - poet, Tim Wells - poet, Cheryl B - New York feminist poet, and hundreds more acclaimed heroes of the pen and pencil.
SEND US your stories (1000 words), examples of illustrations and poems via email to [email protected].

NEW ISSUE! THE ILLUSTRATED APE ARLINGTON HOUSE PARTY - produced in association with the Creative Space at Arlington House homeless hostel, London, UK... featuring work by homeless artists, photographers, and writers. And a special recipe by Bangladesh cookery guru, Dina Begum. Available at all good bookshops, or order direct from our Distributor, CENTRAL BOOKS...
All profits, heart and help the homeless!
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